Accessible only through Internet, the Tele-Ecole channel plans to increase its audience in Senegal. Its board of directors has decided to submit an official request for the acquisition of Digital terrestrial TV channel (DTT), Senegal’s Press Agency (APS in French) reveals citing a communiqué from the channel.

It is an official request for the acquisition of a DTT channel for Tele-Ecole as a fully free and non-profit educational channel, available to the public to support Senegal efforts towards development through education,”the release states.

Tele-Ecole is the first TV channel exclusively dedicated to education and training.

According to APS, Tele-Ecole’s board of directors insists on the fact that educational content should be free. The channel offers free education, by providing video classes for all educational and professional levels, in various areas of study, recorded by experts and teachers worldwide. The channel also offers news namely with a “grand journal”, and broadcasts programs on environment, health, talents discovery and professional path, life at training institutions, civic responsibility and citizenship.

Tele-Ecole is a project of writer Assane Mboup who is the director general of the communication and management agency Show Me. He is also the president of the Union for francophone educational televisions (UTEF in French).

Source: agence ecofin

About The Author

CEO AfrikaTech

Comme beaucoup de personnes j’ai connu l’Afrique à travers des stéréotypes : l’Afrique est pauvre, il y a la guerre, famine… Je suis devenu entrepreneur pour briser ces clichés et participer à la construction du continent. J’ai lancé plusieurs entreprises dont Kareea (Formation et développement web), Tutorys (Plate-forme de e-learning), AfrikanFunding (Plate-forme de crowdfunding). Après un échec sur ma startup Tutorys, à cause d’une mauvaise exécution Business, un manque de réseau, pas de mentor, je suis parti 6 mois en immersion dans l’écosystème Tech au Sénégal. J’ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs passionnés, talentueux et déterminés. A mon retour sur Paris je décide de raconter leur histoire en créant le média AfrikaTech. L'objectif est de soutenir les entrepreneurs qui se battent quotidiennement en Afrique en leur offrant la visibilité, les connaissances, le réseautage et les capitaux nécessaires pour réussir. L'Afrique de demain se construit aujourd'hui ensemble. Rejoignez-nous ! LinkedIn:

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