The housing crisis is a reality in the Paris region. Knowing that the region has 2 million 18/30 year olds, including 1.4 million young workers and 600,000 students. It is the second European metropolis in number of young people, behind Istanbul (2.7M) and ahead of London (1.5M).

However, a young worker earning € 1,800 or a student per month finds it very difficult to find accommodation. Colocation therefore offers an alternative to this solvent population, yet excluded from the conventional rental market.

In addition, shared accommodation is not just for young people (intergenerational, single parents, senior, etc.)

As investors, we have been able to experiment with this management method and, beyond the sharing and economic aspect for the roommates, we have found that it is a very effective solution for the investor.

Beyond disseminating existing offers, our ambition is to put an end to conventional wisdom about shared accommodation and to promote this win-win offer that is economically efficient and moreover that treats social wounds such as loneliness for some.

We are therefore going to partner with the incubator to deploy effective communication to investors to increase the available apartment offers.


3, 8 represents the relationship between supply and demand. Indeed, demand is almost 4 times greater than supply. Many landlords have misconceptions about flatsharing. We therefore built an investor-oriented solution and ColocTrankil was born (profitability, reduced risk, independent lease, packaged, furnished price, custom insurance, etc.). Recognized, innovative service, we are supported by the Paris Pionnières incubator on development.

More information and participate in crowdfunding:

About The Author

CEO AfrikaTech

Comme beaucoup de personnes j’ai connu l’Afrique à travers des stéréotypes : l’Afrique est pauvre, il y a la guerre, famine… Je suis devenu entrepreneur pour briser ces clichés et participer à la construction du continent. J’ai lancé plusieurs entreprises dont Kareea (Formation et développement web), Tutorys (Plate-forme de e-learning), AfrikanFunding (Plate-forme de crowdfunding). Après un échec sur ma startup Tutorys, à cause d’une mauvaise exécution Business, un manque de réseau, pas de mentor, je suis parti 6 mois en immersion dans l’écosystème Tech au Sénégal. J’ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs passionnés, talentueux et déterminés. A mon retour sur Paris je décide de raconter leur histoire en créant le média AfrikaTech. L'objectif est de soutenir les entrepreneurs qui se battent quotidiennement en Afrique en leur offrant la visibilité, les connaissances, le réseautage et les capitaux nécessaires pour réussir. L'Afrique de demain se construit aujourd'hui ensemble. Rejoignez-nous ! LinkedIn:

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