Young startuppers in Mali meet in the same district to start their business.
They are from different sectors of activity but we share ICTs and very quickly links are born between them, their companies and those around them.
They quickly established themselves in their area and the building that housed them became the place of pilgrimage for all those who needed expertise in the field.
They therefore understood that it was necessary to make this district the center of technological activity in Bamako.
The district of Sotuba ACI is an area conducive to the development of their activity insofar as this area has many advantages including the geographic location, the bearable cost of the lease for a very attractive standing and the road network which includes the 3rd Bamako bridge without forgetting the proximity to the Niger river.
The hashtag #SotubaValley has already been launched to spread the idea of making Sotuba ACI the center of technological activity in Bamako.
These young startuppers have taken it into their heads to attract all young people like them who have business ideas to come and join them in this sort of emerging “Silicon Valley”.
To date, 7 startups rub shoulders and evolve together.
Startuppers in Mali create the Sotuba Valley
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