Launched in December 2014 by Ivan Tanaki, TanakiPodCast is a YouTube channel dedicated to the humor of its author. Between staging and carefree, Tanaki has fun presenting his world to us. A universe in which to make jokes is the main rule. No more gossip! Auletch went to meet a joking young man but above all passionate about what he does.


Hello Ivan. How are you ? Can you introduce yourself to internet users?
Hello Auletch! I’m fine, thank you for granting me this interview. My name is NGOUNOU Ivan, a young Cameroonian, 22 years old. I am employed in a video game studio in Cameroon (in this case Kiro’o Games) and I am also a YouTuber (budding).

First, where did you get the idea to post videos on YouTube?
I really like surfing the web and most of all, I love watching videos on YouTube. So, one day, I came across a channel: “the yellow laughter” These are two Franco-Chinese brothers who make very funny videos and who share them on YouTube. I really enjoyed it and it was these two that inspired me to make videos on YouTube.

When did you start and your first podcast?
More than a year ago (December 2014). I made a fairly long video (more than 10 minutes) on Cameroonians. I wrote the screenplay and shot it all by myself (basically I had to be assisted by a friend, but hey …). For the record, this video was made in one day and the shots made with a Smartphone (I did not yet have a camera, lol!). When I think about it, it makes me laugh a lot.

We see that you like to make people laugh. Where does this inspiration come from?
My inspiration simply comes from everyday life with family, with short friends, anywhere, even in the small corner ^ _ ^ (cafes, “donuts”, etc.). I observe a lot and take small notes. When an idea germinates, I write it down and then do something funny with the camera.

In your videos, you talk a lot about the relationships between parents and munas. Why this choice? What do you hope for every time you talk about it?
This choice is due to the fact that in my Podcast I wanted to have two main characters (father and son) to whom the public would be easily attached as well from the sympathetic point of view as humorous. Also, in terms of writing it’s easier for me to write from a father’s point of view than from a mother’s. So this is how the idea of ​​”father with a pestle and his son” was born, lol.

Whenever I use these characters it is simply so that everyone can identify or recognize that he has already had to attend this kind of scene. In the end, it becomes a bit familiar, especially as an African, we generally know that a father is a bit special and very often has a fairly rigorous way of thinking or reasoning.

Let’s talk about something else. At the editing level, we sometimes have the impression that it comes out like it comes out. Do you ride everything before or else?
Yes I take care of the editing entirely and if sometimes it gave the impression of “it comes out like it comes out” (laugh) it is because I was looking for a satisfying editing style which makes my videos dynamic, easily understandable and especially funny. It was from the video on “African Parents (” that I finally found a standard style that I really like. I hope you too.

How is it before and after the shoots?
Before the shooting there is first the writing which takes a little time (I type the texts on my computer in a “Word” file). Once it’s ready, I start shooting. I take a whole day to talk “face camera”. I’m all alone in my room in front of the camera talking and fooling around. It’s quite fun and I laugh about it a lot. This is one of the reasons why I easily find myself making more than ten “camera-facing” takes than during examples.

I also (sometimes) contact friends who are willing to give examples. During the filming with them, it is also the total laughter so much we find the funny scenes. We can therefore go beyond a day depending on the number of examples and the quality we want to obtain.

After filming, I start editing which takes me a good ten hours. Once finished, I watch the video several times before posting it on my YouTube channel.

We see that you often call on other people in your videos Who are they?
Most of the time it’s friends or relatives who give me some of their time for the shooting (smile). I thank them moreover.

In the Whatsapp podcast, we recognize Felix Fokoua from Sector4th Stadium. Are there guests at any time?
Not really ; at least not at the moment (maybe in the long run). In Felix’s case, he’s a very good friend of mine. I just asked him if he wanted to be in one of my videos and he said “yes”.

Elsewhere, posting videos on YouTube generates money. Is this your case? Are you already making money from your YouTube channel?
Not at all ! When I started making videos I was completely unaware that they could be remunerative. My main goal was to make funny videos and prove that you can be a YouTuber even while being in Cameroon. This is also the magic of technology.

Thank you Ivan for this interview. A final word for the aauletch customers?
It is I who thank you once again for this interview. I invite all “Letchois et Letchoises”, all your readers and other Internet users to visit my YouTube channel “TanakiPodcast” ( Come watch my videos and feel free to click the “subscribe” button if you like. It’s always a pleasure to know that several people are watching you and following your news. Thank you in advance !

How to find Ivan Tanaki on social networks:

Facebook: “Tanaki Podcast” —–

Twitter: @Tanakivan —–

Instagram: “tanakiivan” —–

About The Author

CEO AfrikaTech

Comme beaucoup de personnes j’ai connu l’Afrique à travers des stéréotypes : l’Afrique est pauvre, il y a la guerre, famine… Je suis devenu entrepreneur pour briser ces clichés et participer à la construction du continent. J’ai lancé plusieurs entreprises dont Kareea (Formation et développement web), Tutorys (Plate-forme de e-learning), AfrikanFunding (Plate-forme de crowdfunding). Après un échec sur ma startup Tutorys, à cause d’une mauvaise exécution Business, un manque de réseau, pas de mentor, je suis parti 6 mois en immersion dans l’écosystème Tech au Sénégal. J’ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs passionnés, talentueux et déterminés. A mon retour sur Paris je décide de raconter leur histoire en créant le média AfrikaTech. L'objectif est de soutenir les entrepreneurs qui se battent quotidiennement en Afrique en leur offrant la visibilité, les connaissances, le réseautage et les capitaux nécessaires pour réussir. L'Afrique de demain se construit aujourd'hui ensemble. Rejoignez-nous ! LinkedIn:

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