Created in 2012 by Abiola Olaniran, Gamsole is a Nigerian start-up specializing in the creation of games for smartphones. The creations of this young publishing house are inspired by the African way of life. In fact, the start-up aims, in addition to participating in the development of the still embryonic African games market, to promote Africa through its creations.
Gamsole’s games are available on Android, IOS and Windows Phone. Among other flagship games of the start-up, are: Kazoo, a word-building game; Road Blazer, a car racing game; Traffic-Jam in which the player has to get out of the famous traffic jams in the city of Lagos or Gidi Run, a 3D game that confronts crooked police officers and bus drivers who want to avoid the racketeering of the police.
The company has developed, since its creation, nearly 35 games and has recorded nearly 10 million local and international downloads with users from more than 191 countries including India, Brazil and China, usually complicated markets. for African mobile games.
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