The airline Ethiopian Airlines is holding its new logo. The visual was produced by Ghanaian Nii Okai Koi Adjaidoo, co-founder of the Ghana-based advertising agency DreamBrander Advertising. He won the international competition launched by the Ethiopian company, as part of the celebration of his 70th anniversary which takes place this year 2015.
As a reward, Nii Okai Koi Adjaidoo was offered 2 economy class airline tickets by Ethiopian Airlines to a destination of his choice, in addition to some pocket money. The new Ethiopian Airlines logo reflects the idea of going beyond the ambition pursued by the company for the past 60 years.
Indeed, the Ethiopian national airline was “guided by a pan-African vision and a desire to develop air links across the continent, thus facilitating travel, trade, tourism and economic development”, according to the ambassador of ‘Ethiopia in Ghana, Gifti Abasiya Ababulgu. She said that today, Ethiopian Airlines is deployed worldwide. The culmination of the birthday celebrations is scheduled for April 2016.
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