Expat-Dakar is one of the most consulted platforms in Senegal. Thanks to its strategy of bringing together sellers, buyers or advertisers, the classified ads platform is attracting more and more Internet users. As evidenced by its significant figure on the number of visits.

Indeed, Expat, which now has more than 27,000 advertisements, reached the bar of 9 million visitors in 2016.

A year of success for this platform which won the prize for the best E-commerce Company in Senegal at the Jambar Tech Awards.


A whole mixture of dedication and innovation that make Expat a Senegalese “success story” which also wants to establish itself in the sub-region to reach as many people as possible.

This is the wish of his boss Mapenda Diop, who understood very early on that in this digital world, the secret is nothing other than openness.

“I think that today for a platform like Expat-Dakar or many other internet platforms, it is important to ally with the greatest, because it is the world that works like that” said the young man. entrepreneur in an article published in the daily Le Quotidien.

For Mapenda “We cannot stay in the depths of our Senegal and say that we are going to weigh heavily in the internet world today, which is why I decided in 2016 to go with a Swiss group, which is one of the largest media in this country, which has understood our objectives and our work and that today we are 100% integrated into this group there with all that that implies therefore both with a financial contribution , but also a contribution in terms of exchanges, practices and that is very beneficial for Expat-Dakar. ”

Expat Dakar sets up in the sub-region

For 2017, Expat will extend its tentacles in the sub-region. Similar platforms are developing in Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and other countries in the sub-region.

“We do classifieds, we have to separate things out between classifieds and e-commerce. But we are not the owners of the products that are on the site, it belongs to partners who are present here and who sell their products “specifies the boss of Expat Dakar.


About The Author

CEO AfrikaTech

Comme beaucoup de personnes j’ai connu l’Afrique à travers des stéréotypes : l’Afrique est pauvre, il y a la guerre, famine… Je suis devenu entrepreneur pour briser ces clichés et participer à la construction du continent. J’ai lancé plusieurs entreprises dont Kareea (Formation et développement web), Tutorys (Plate-forme de e-learning), AfrikanFunding (Plate-forme de crowdfunding). Après un échec sur ma startup Tutorys, à cause d’une mauvaise exécution Business, un manque de réseau, pas de mentor, je suis parti 6 mois en immersion dans l’écosystème Tech au Sénégal. J’ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs passionnés, talentueux et déterminés. A mon retour sur Paris je décide de raconter leur histoire en créant le média AfrikaTech. L'objectif est de soutenir les entrepreneurs qui se battent quotidiennement en Afrique en leur offrant la visibilité, les connaissances, le réseautage et les capitaux nécessaires pour réussir. L'Afrique de demain se construit aujourd'hui ensemble. Rejoignez-nous ! LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/boubacardiallo

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