The Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) is a specialized financial institution whose capital is subscribed by regional economic players from West Africa. It is common to the eight WAEMU states, and its headquarters are located in Abidjan. It is represented in each State of the Union by a National Stock Exchange Antenna (ANB). Regarding the stock market prices and shares at the BRVM, La Bourse Régionale offers three types of financial products:
- Stocks: the stock market is the best known on the stock market. A share represents a property right or an equity interest in a company. It offers those who hold them the right to vote at the general meeting of shareholders; the right to participate in profit (in the form of a dividend); the right to receive information (annual report, etc.).
- Obligations: an obligation is a debt instrument. The saver or the investor who buys a bond acquires a debt security representing a fraction of a loan granted to the issuer (which can be a State, a local authority or a public or private enterprise).
- Rights: Subscription rights give an ordinary shareholder the right to buy other shares at a price fixed in advance.
The prices charged (prices) arise from the meeting of supply and demand for securities (stocks and bonds). When demand exceeds supply, prices go up. When there is more supply than demand, prices fall. When supply and demand meet, a transaction takes place at an equilibrium price that works for both parties.
It is recommended to follow the news of the BRVM (without forgetting that of the companies which are listed there) if you really want to be at the cleat. It is important that you understand the regulated financial information that is disseminated through regular publications. The BRVM trading system automatically generates indices, which quote continuously (every 15 minutes). These are made available after each listing session.
The BRVM is a stock exchange shared by several countries, fully electronic and perfectly integrated. It allows approved participants in the WAEMU Regional Financial Market to benefit from certain services which allow them to access its systems when needed. Individual or institutional investors also benefit. It is however necessary to subscribe to a subscription via signature of contract and submission to the specific tariff conditions.
To this end, the BRVM has a catalog of services comprising the following elements:
- Off-site access services for entering orders and consulting stock market information (prices, indices, etc.) in real time on terminals equipped with BRVM software. These services are exclusively reserved for Management and Intermediation Companies;
- Remote access services for viewing stock market information (prices, indices, etc.) in real time on terminals equipped with BRVM software. This service is offered to approved participants in the UEMOA Regional Financial Market and to individual or institutional investors;
- Information retrieval services in real time or in deferred time. Information retrieval can be done through web services or via the BRVM FIX gateway. This service is reserved for approved participants in the UEMOA Regional Financial Market, institutions and information resellers;
- End-of-day data provision services.
The BRVM also gives the possibility of receiving stock market activity information by text message on a daily basis by subscribing to the BRVM INFO offer via mobile telephony. This information mainly relates to:
- The market summary: this is information sent to any subscriber to the service, every day (working) after the close of the market. It relates to the evolution of indices, the volume and value of transactions, the largest increases / decreases;
- The (closing) share prices. This information is sent to the subscriber according to his preferences, every day (working) after the close of the market;
- Educational and instructive content on the stock market and the financial markets (“Did you know?”) Sent to all subscribers once a day;
- General information such as dividend payments, capital increase / decrease, general meetings of companies, public offers, etc.
Although this offer is only available at the moment in Ivory Coast for all mobile phone customers Airtel Burkina Faso, MTN Ivory Coast, ORANGE Ivory Coast, Moov Ivory Coast, Moov Togo and Moov Niger , negotiations are underway with telecom operators with a view to setting up the service in the other WAEMU countries.
The BRVM offers, among other means of access to market information, the possibility:
- To connect to the BRVM website to have all the information relating to prices, market developments and financial information of listed companies;
- Use the BRVM mobile application on iOS and Android;
- To follow the stock market sessions by going to the premises of the BRVM headquarters in Abidjan or to the National Stock Exchange Antennas located in the various WAEMU countries;
- To connect to the website of its Management and Intermediation Company (SGI) or its bank;
- Use the mobile application offered by its Management and Intermediation Company (SGI) or its bank.
In short, to follow the activity of the Stock Exchange, you can connect to the BRVM website, register for the BRVM INFO service, refer to your SGI or Bank or go to the premises of the BRVM, or even in an ANB.
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