Founded by 3 young Cameroonians, Ikedi is a company that aims to highlight the talents of Africans and extend the African know-how. Through its website and soon its mobile application, Ikedi allows its users to offer and get services.
Introduce yourself and your courses
I am Maxime 24 years old student in electrical engineering at the University of Technology Darmstadt, passionate about electronics, robotics (which is my specialization) and programming. I am a lover of comics, reading and football.
I’m Gaetan 23 years old, also an electrical engineering student at the Darmstadt University of Technology, my passions are football (which I practice as an amateur), the fitness I do regularly, fashion which is a real passion because as we say in Cameroon “who will neglect himself” LOL, moreover it’s my way of feeling more alive.
My name is Elvire 27 years old, I am an engineer in energy engineering, my passion is reading, and I am interested in the theme of renewable energies.
What is your project and its mission?
The project, which is in its last straight line, is to shed light on the talents of Africans and extend African know-how. This is manifested by a website ( and an application (not yet available). The site allows users to offer and to get services. For a start the services will be limited to the domains: Stores, restaurants, hairstyle. In addition, users can create a network by interacting with their contacts: making posts, commenting on them, writing messages, liking publications, etc.
How did you get the idea for your business?
The idea came from Gaetan who managed to convince Maxime and Elvire and it is thus, as already described above the team is composed of 3 members with different but complementary skills. Gaetan and Maxime students in electrical engineering, Elvire engineer in energy techniques.
What are the next steps ?
The next steps are to refine some technical and visual aspects of the site. Look for partners and funds to accelerate the development of the site and also make it more fluid.
What do you need and how can AfrikaTech help you?
AfrikaTech can help us to become better known and thus reach a maximum of users at the official launch of the platform, but also allow us a fundraising so that all the work generated is effective.
What are your contacts and those of the company?
To contact us for the moment it is through our email addresses:, Through our facebook personal accounts “Gaetan Jered”, “Maxime Dé”
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