For decades, settling in Africa meant turning to wage labor to gain some form of stability. Moreover, in terms of culture and to gain the respect of each other, it was better to be a salaried employee of a company. Now, returning to the African continent does it mean working for a company or creating one?
What are the benefits of wage earning?
Wage earning has always been considered as a solution to secure job security associated with a fixed income. Moreover, it is possible to associate the wage earner with a probable evolution of career. Nevertheless, the current economic reality of Africa implies a change of reality.
Today, the African continent, and whatever the sector of activity, is looking for highly qualified employees, the African shortage of specific skills is a reality.
Some African platforms, such as CA Global, strive to inform African diaspora professionals of the best career opportunities in Africa.
As a member of the diaspora, it is undeniable that the chances of being recruited in Africa are significant. Most of the vacant posts offer responsibilities are more important than in Europe or America, for example.
However, with the exception of a few large multinationals or institutions, wage conditions in Africa have also evolved. Indeed, few local African companies offer salary scales that can be aligned with those applied abroad. This reality is becoming more and more important in international companies, which now prefer local contracts to those of expatriates.
Henceforth, the return as an employee in Africa, despite the advantages that this status presents, it is strongly advised to keep in mind that the wage has evolved. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the payroll is lower on the African continent, compared to Australia, Europe, etc., it is nonetheless true that the level of purchase is higher.
What are the benefits of entrepreneurship?
Today, in Africa, turning to entrepreneurship makes it possible to have a professional career that is diametrically opposed to that of the wage-earner. In an Africa where everything remains to be done, entrepreneurship is attracting more and more thirty-something people from the diaspora. The African continent is a market where the possibilities are endless.
Nevertheless, to create a successful business, it is essential to turn to previously unexplored sectors of activity. Your value proposition should allow you to orient yourself towards a field that is little exploited and that can meet local social or economic needs.
In addition, some countries such as Ethiopia have made the decision to provide incentives for Ethiopians to return to their country of origin. These include the case of Adam Abate, who after a career in a company has made the choice to return to Ethiopia to start his own business “Apposit”.
There is no standard answer to wanting to return to Africa as an employee or entrepreneur. The advantages of each of these options must be in line with the image you have of your new life in your home country. Only the analysis of the arguments that push you to opt for this or that solution will allow you to make your choice.
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