The American computer software firm Microsoft plans to connect the populations of Nanyuki, a town located in Laikipia County, in central Kenya, to the wireless Internet at a lower cost. To achieve its objective, Microsoft would like to use the available television frequencies. This region of the country, and others not served by Internet connectivity, will be able to easily access the Internet.
Announced in Kenya in 2013, it is now that this project is truly entering its implementation phase. It is a component of the Microsoft4Afrika initiative, the objective of which is to improve the global competitiveness of the African continent by providing it with the technical and intellectual means to this end.
To date, Microsoft4Afrika has already enabled the deployment of 15 Wi-Fi hotspots near Nanyuki, at the Matanya shopping center, at the Burguret dispensary, at the primary school for boys, at the secondary school for boys, at the Gakawa High School; and the Laikipia District Community Bookstore.
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