In recent years more and more young graduates from the African diaspora want to leave Europe or the United States to live and work on the continent. Founded in 2017 by Cellou Dara Diallo, a Guinean engineer based in France, is a platform that helps these young talents, thanks to their structure which advocates the highlighting of profiles of the Guinean diaspora to be visible by Guinean companies and manages the setting in relation with these.
Introduce yourself and your journey (briefly)
Cellou Dara Diallo, passionate about computers, new technologies and lovers of Africa and Guinea. Arriving in France in 2005, I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science at the Lille1 University of Science and Technology.
Since 5 years, I work as a research and development engineer.
What is your project and its mission?
Our goal is, on the one hand, to help all Guineans and Guineans around the world to find qualified work in Guinea on the basis of an accompaniment up to the needs of each.
On the other hand, assisting Guinean companies to find talent with international experience or local nuggets by tailor-made support.
How did you get the idea to start your business?
After listening to several fellow students at the university as well as compatriots during various association meetings or informal discussions in transport, I concluded that many young Guineans, living abroad, have a desire fierce to return home to take advantage of their knowledge, their skills, their talents. However, between the wish and the act, there is often a great difficulty. Indeed :
Most of them left the country to study, so they spent most of their adult lives abroad. They have their habits, their friends, a whole world they have built over the years which hampers the homecoming.
With an opportunity in the country, the assurance of having an income would surely help these talents to take the plunge and it is at this level that we intervene:
– highlighting profiles of the Guinean diaspora so that they can be seen by Guinean companies, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations. The objective of this application is the linking of talents and companies so that everyone can find his account and Guinea finds his children, this diaspora that works miracles in companies, multinationals, large groups around the world.
On the other hand, I think that companies, institutions and other structures operating in Guinea would have every interest in having access to these skills. On, they can find the rare pearls they want. Indeed, if from abroad, Guineans can be spotted, it could reassure them and encourage them more to return to the country.
In short, we have potential, just to find the right people to put them in the right place.
Can you introduce your team? is an application of CIFE-tech, a limited liability company consisting of two partners
– Mamadou Diallo (Me) Computer engineer (JAVA / JEE developer) currently Technical Manager at Infotel.
-Mamadou Barry, Economist, Ph.D Expert in Economic Governance Associate Researcher at the Lille Center for Studies and Sociological and Economic Research (CLERSE) – University Lille1.
What is the problem resolved by Guineexpat?
The problem solved is the visibility of profiles of women and men of Guinean origins living abroad and eager to return to the country to express their talents.
In general, companies spend a lot of energy and resources to find the desired profile. This often leads them to look for skills abroad or to recruit, within the entourage of their own employees, employees who do not always have the required level. This promotes social reproduction and inequalities.
With our service, companies will only meet profiles in line with the offers they offer.
What are the next steps ?
Recruit a human resource to better support candidates and companies.
What do you need and how can AfrikaTech help you?
Visibility, partner search (company, organization, …)
What are the contacts of the startup? Website, email, Mobile / WhatsApp, links to social networks?
Tel: +33649024141 /// +224624348708
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