Start-up OniriQ launches pre-sales of its SOLARBOX solar kit on the ULULE crowdfunding platform: After 18 months of R & D, OniriQ markets an innovative and eco-responsible solar kit to provide rural African families with access to autonomous energy, internet and multimedia.
The 25 W solar kit incorporates a WIFI hotspot and comes with a 19-inch HDTV and 3 LED lights. OniriQ is committed to sustainable and responsible design: the solar kit batteries will be removable and recyclable. Proposed at a price of 350 € TTC, the product will be delivered to individuals in 7 African countries. The campaign will finance the industrialization of the solar kit.
The startup has been working since 2016 in close partnership with the Energies pour le Monde Foundation, expert for 28 years in decentralized rural electrification projects in the South. SOLARBOX is currently tested with rural families in Senegal in partnership with SONATEL (Orange Senegal) for Telecom infrastructure and Orange Money for mobile payment.
As part of the launch of its solar kit, OniriQ collaborated with the designer Myriam MAXO to propose a limited edition with an original motif inspired by the bazin.
OniriQ will set up a branch in Dakar in the summer of 2018 and will produce its solar kits in Senegal from 2019.
ONIRIQ is a cleantech startup founded by Rodolphe Rosier in December 2016.
It is supported by Bpifrance and supported by the incubators Bond’Innov and Paris & Co / Circular Economy. The company is also supported by Makesense and the Energies for Climate community.
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