To give the visibility it deserves to the burgeoning continental technosphere, “Jeune Afrique” highlights each week an African startup: its originality, its ambitions and its challenges. For the first episode of this series, discover “Niokobok”, a young shoot specializing in e-commerce and which acts as an intermediary between the Senegalese diasporas mainly from France, but also from Italy, Spain, the United States United and Canada.
In the suburban district of Soisy-sous-Montmorency, north of Paris, coming face to face with a “fast bus” – these yellow and blue vans prized by Dakar residents – is rather unexpected.
It is however there that Niokobok (“We are together” in Wolof) established its ephemeral base, in front of the family home of Laurent Liautaud, the founder and 100% shareholder of SARL.
The online sales and delivery site in Senegal is preparing its first “NiokoTour”, a tour of the Senegalese diaspora that the company will start on April 16 in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, at Château Rouge, close to the “market Dejean ”, dedicated to African products.
The objective of the promotional small tour of France is to meet the Senegalese diaspora who already use the Niokobok service, to collect their testimonies and better understand their daily needs. Eight to ten video portraits of Niokobok customers will be produced over the course of a journey through Île-de-France and beyond, which will end in early May.
Mouhamadou Fall, head of operations for Niokobok, and Guillaume Pêcheur, head of marketing, will be driving the Renault Saviem SG2. Even if the truck passed the technical control, “I was surprised that we pass under the Eiffel Tower without any police control,” laughs Guillaume Pêcheur about the first laps in the French capital.
500,000 euros in turnover in 2016
Avec un chiffre d’affaires qui tend vers les 500 000 euros en 2016 et 4 000 commandes en 2015, Niokobok s’est fait un nom au Sénégal depuis sa fondation en 2012.
Sur un modèle d’e-commerce que Laurent Liautaud avait observé au Mozambique, où il collaborait avec le géant anglo-hollandais des produits de consommation Unilever, Niokobok fait l’intermédiaire entre les diasporas sénégalaises principalement de France, mais aussi d’Italie, d’Espagne, des États-Unis et du Canada, et leur famille au pays.
Les commandes de riz, d’huile, de sucre, de lait en poudre, de tomates concentrées, de concentré de tomates, de savon, de détergent liquide, de sacs d’oignons, de sacs de pomme de terre, de légumes mais aussi de viande de mouton sont désormais réceptionnées par les 16 membres de l’équipe de Niokobok.
Leur bureau et leur entrepôt de 150 mètres carrés sont situés le long de la Voie de dégagement nord (VDN) à Dakar – après un très bref lancement de quelques semaines dans la ville de Kaolack dans le centre-ouest du pays, idéalement située mais « injouable sur le plan de la logistique », selon les responsables de la startup.
Niokobok est aussi passé par le Jokkolabs puis par le CTIC, deux incubateurs dakarois, avant de voler de ses propres ailes à partir de janvier 2015.
« Il y a un an et demi, on était encore quatre. Pour la dernière Tabaski, nous avons dû créer 200 fiches produits de moutons sur la plateforme, en donnant des noms de lutteurs à succès, des noms d’anciens présidents ou de rues connues. C’était une vraie ferme online », se souvient Mouhamadou Fall, le diplômé de la Bordeaux Management School de Dakar et précédemment conseiller client chez l’opérateur de téléphonie mobile Sonatel (filiale du français Orange).
Des livraisons possibles hors de Dakar
Initially limited to Dakar where 80% of recipients are still, orders can since mid-2015 be shipped outside the Senegalese capital, Thiès, Mbour, Saint-Louis, Louga, Kaolack and Tambacounda. “This requires calling the recipients of orders to precisely reconstruct the route plans,” explains Mouhamadou Fall.
A model which is worth some recognition to Niokobok (which takes commissions ranging from 2% to 15% on orders). The startup thus benefits from the support of USAID, the American development agency whose Development Innovation Ventures program allocates to the start-up amounts of 5,000 to 50,000 euros depending on the achievement of commercial objectives. Niokobok has also been recognized by the Orange Social Entrepreneur in Africa awards and the Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) award, an award from the United States federal government for startups.
Soon the fundraising stage?
This does not mean that everything is rosy for Niokobok.
Among the main challenges is maintaining a reliable supply chain to avoid stockouts. To do this, Niokobok tries to rely on locally established suppliers, such as Patisen, the specialist in spreads (chocolate, margarine) and culinary products (broths, vinegar, etc.), or even the cement company Sococim.
And the competition, of course, which is growing in Senegal as elsewhere in Africa: Jumia, Afrimarket, Cdiscount, PassCourses and now Africashop the newcomer to CFAO? “Even if, for the most part, they work differently and bring their products by import, their presence is a sign of credibility for the e-commerce sector and it shows that it is promising in Senegal. A lot of Senegalese do not trust after many fraudulent sites have attempted scams, see so many launches, it reassures them, “says Mouhamadou Fall.
That said, to last, Niokobok will have to grow. And why not in the future turn to private equity, for example with Teranga capital which has just launched in Dakar with 5 million euros? Its co-founder is none other than Omar Cisse, who created the CTIC incubator in 2011.
Source: Jeune Afrique
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