To ensure the empowerment of African women entrepreneurs, the United States has just allocated 1 billion US dollars to three African countries, including Mali, which benefits from an envelope of 500 million FCFA. The agreement called “Bo Nogola” was signed on Tuesday March 29, 2016 at the Palace of Culture, between the African women’s entrepreneurship program (Awep-Mali) and the Bank of Africa responsible for making the loans available Malian women entrepreneurs. The ceremony took place in the presence of the US Ambassador to Mali, Paul Folmsbee.
According to the president of Awep-Mali, Mrs. Simpara Assitan Keïta Awep was created by the will of Mrs. HILARY CLINTON, former American secretary of state to help African women entrepreneurs. This followed a speech by President Barack Obama at the AGOA forum in Kenya, which stated that “Africa’s economic future will depend on its effective integration into the global supply chain and the globalized trading system. To make this effort, you can count on the United States, your partner… ”.
It is to concretize this partnership with Africa that the American government put 1 billion American dollars at the disposal of African countries to finance projects and development programs and 3 women business center for three areas of Africa namely Kenya for the East, Zambia for the South, and Mali for West Africa.
Mali is one of the most recent countries of intervention of this program called “Awep” in Africa.
According to the US Ambassador to Mali, Paul Folmsbee, the African Women Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) started in 2010 to support small and medium-sized businesses owned by women and aims to help them transform their societies through economic development and the promotion of social interests. “Ms. Simpara Astan Kéïta, Ambassador of Awep -Mali is becoming one of the most dynamic groups on the continent. The United States in collaboration with the development agency of the Swedish Government, SIDA, launched a partnership with BOA and BICIM to encourage loans to agricultural cooperatives, businesses linked to agriculture, with particular emphasis. on businesses owned by women. By working closely with different local and international partners, this program provides the technical assistance necessary for the agrifood sector, women entrepreneurs and financial institutions by preparing them for growth and success in this modern and global economy. ”, explained Paul Folmsbee.
According to him, today’s signing ceremony is the direct result of the investment of the American people in Mali and shows our firm conviction that women entrepreneurs are an essential part of the economic future of the United States and Mali .
« Aux Etats-Unis, les femmes entrepreneurs génèrent plus de 858 milliards de francs CFA chaque année et emploient près de 8 millions de personnes. Dans les pays en développement, il y a des millions de petites et moyennes entreprises détenues par les femmes qui créent toutes des emplois dans leurs communautés. J’espère que le Mali fera partie de cette tendance. Je voudrais voir le Mali entrainer ses voisins ouest-africains », a souhaité l’Ambassadeur. Avant d’ajouter que le programme profite à toutes les femmes de Kayes à Kidal de Sikasso à Tombouctou. Quand au Directeur général de la Bank Of Africa, Oumar Waïgalo, il a donné l’assurance que sa banque ne ménagera aucun effort pour le succès du projet. « Les crédits seront accordés à des conditions tarifaires défiant toute concurrence avec un délai de traitement le plus court possible », a promis Oumar Waïgalo.
Source: Lerepublicainmali
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