AfrikaTech interviewed Nana Agyeman-Prempeh, CEO of Asoriba church management software at the “SeedStarsWorld 2016” event.

What is your background and where did you get the idea for your start-up?

I obtained a bachelor’s degree in agricultural engineering at the University in Ghana and when I obtained my master’s degree in agricultural engineering I participated in a 2-year training program in entrepreneurship and software development along with an internship within from the Meltwater Entrepreneurial School of Technology help build a good, world-famous business. I met my associates there with whom I founded “Asoriba”

What is the mission of your start-up?

As we describe on our website (, our goal is to facilitate the administration and communication of churches through the use of current technological tools, but for us it is about engaging our Christian community in Ghana in the first place but also abroad in order to spread the message of God as much as possible while improving the administration of the churches which is our goal as a business.

What services does your church management software provide?

Improved management via an application (“Church management software”) which allows members of the community to be registered to affirm their commitment to their church
The possibility of being in permanent contact with his faithful via an application (“Seamless communication”) with which the faithful can send prayers to their pastor, receive information regarding worship, etc.
The possibility of making donations to one’s church or for a cause via the internet and the application (“Simple and convenient online giving”)

How can your participation in the “SeedStar World” competition be useful to you?

The goal of the contest organizers is to find young companies from emerging countries around the world in order to put them in the spotlight to help them develop, it is not an easy thing because it is necessary to travel through the world and invest time and money but it is worth it because when a company manages to convince them and go public all these sacrifices will pay off.

About The Author

CEO AfrikaTech

Comme beaucoup de personnes j’ai connu l’Afrique à travers des stéréotypes : l’Afrique est pauvre, il y a la guerre, famine… Je suis devenu entrepreneur pour briser ces clichés et participer à la construction du continent. J’ai lancé plusieurs entreprises dont Kareea (Formation et développement web), Tutorys (Plate-forme de e-learning), AfrikanFunding (Plate-forme de crowdfunding). Après un échec sur ma startup Tutorys, à cause d’une mauvaise exécution Business, un manque de réseau, pas de mentor, je suis parti 6 mois en immersion dans l’écosystème Tech au Sénégal. J’ai rencontré de nombreux entrepreneurs passionnés, talentueux et déterminés. A mon retour sur Paris je décide de raconter leur histoire en créant le média AfrikaTech. L'objectif est de soutenir les entrepreneurs qui se battent quotidiennement en Afrique en leur offrant la visibilité, les connaissances, le réseautage et les capitaux nécessaires pour réussir. L'Afrique de demain se construit aujourd'hui ensemble. Rejoignez-nous ! LinkedIn:

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